

Tools for Physicists / Werkzeuge für Physikerinnen und Physiker 2024

Be prepared for the real lab work - know how to tackle the problems. 9 independent hands-on topics. Get in touch with the pros in their field. Focusing on thesis starters (Bachelor, Master, PhD), Postdocs welcome.


Cherry pick the lectures you like best or attend them all -- it's up to you. Please register up to one week before the event to give the tutors enough time to prepare.

Topics during summer term (click to register):


not yet open for registration (28.8. - 16.10.):

  • PCB Design with KiCAD by Dr. Peter-Bernd Otte, HIM
  • A brief introduction to the Rust programming language by Dr. Michael Distler, KPH
  • Boost your Analysis with High Performance Computing by Dr. Peter-Bernd Otte, HIM
  • ML techniques for analysis (4 days) by Dr. Peter-Bernd Otte, HIM
    • Intro, Tensorflow and worked out example: calorimeter hit features @ PANDA backward endcap
    • NN for slow ADC signals
    • CNN for gamma ray tracks @ DAMPE
    • RICH Cherekov feature extraction @ CBM with PyTorch
  • Advanced Topics for FDM Printing by Dr. Peter-Bernd Otte, HIM



Organiser: Dr. Peter-Bernd Otte